I Have My Own Haters!

One of the strange perks of being e-famous, apart from the (no) money and (no) women that it brings, is the added benefit of having your very own haters. I love the idea that somewhere, hunched in front a of a glowing screen eating corn chips late at night, someone thought that it was a good use of their time to go out of their way to comment on what little old me is up to.

While negative comments are a dime a dozen, haters such as Will Quinn are a much rarer breed. Will, according to his facebook info, spends most of his time in Shanghai growing his mustache and dating a woman with very large eyes. He sent me a message on Facebook a few months ago asking if I was the guy who made “Laowai Style”, but I didn’t see it until today, which gave him ample time to consider how to use my face, velocity, and concrete to create a threat.

Will was eager to do me physical harm, but perhaps not quite eager enough to leave Shanghai to do so, as he seemed pretty intent on making me make the first move of going down there. My conversation with Will shows the type of keen insight into my sexuality and identity as a embarrassment to foreigner-kind that one expects from a true A-grade hater.

I figure that Will generously shared his phone number so fellow haters—who likely represent a disproportionate large amount of my blog’s tiny readership—can meet up and discuss more ways of using concrete and inertia as a weapon. I don’t anticipate any issues though… we all know that the quality of the concrete in China is poor at best.